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Top Bachelor of Science - Chemistry (Hons.)
Colleges in India

A three-year Undergraduate Degree that allows you to extend your knowledge and skills in the discipline that interests you. Building on your undergraduate studies in Chemistry, you will not only have the option to learn basic theories of chemistry and its branches, but the exclusive opportunity to increase knowledge in advanced concepts of the field such as atomic structure, chemical bonding, thermodynamics, chemistry of various elements, classes of organic compounds, electrochemistry, coordination chemistry, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, computer applications in chemistry and more.

The Honors Degree in Chemistry at UIS - ranked among the Top and Best B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry colleges in India, gives you an advantage of the professional standards, along with the ability to tackle ethical challenges occurring in the field of modern science and technology. You will have the opportunity to conduct and/or work on research projects under the supervision of faculties, participate in research teams, and have opportunities to make contact with the wider scientific community.

Mentioning Scholarship
for International Students

upto 50 % Scholarship for Meritorious Students


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