Certainly, Strong independent universities are vital partners in achieving common goals for governments, businesses, and civil society. These cooperation and partnerships are critical in promoting and implementing the SDGs in India and around the world. Chandigarh University is one of the major players in soft diplomacy because they allow people-to-people communication by one mean or another. For example, thousands of mobile students travel borders to learn about different cultures and to help their hosts understand their own countries. Similarly, researchers from all around the world collaborate to build networks and develop the know-how required to sustain global innovation.
In the context of education, Chandigarh University outlines sustainable development as the ability for students to acquire the knowledge, understanding, skills, and attributes necessary to work and live in a way that protects environmental, social, and economic well-being for current and future generations. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) isn't a distinct subject, discipline, objective for higher education or about the environment only. Conversely, Chandigarh University believes that ESD will thrive when it is integrated into university culture and strategy, embedded in learning and teaching, linked to other goals such as employability, internationalization, and enterprise, and linked to community-based learning