Symposium on Synthesis, Characterization & Processing of Inorganic, Bio and Nano Materials 2021

This symposium is second of the SCPINM series initiated in 2021 for sharing new initiatives, strategies, recent development and challenges in the domain of materials science and engineering. It is an interdisciplinary field that incorporates the elements of physics, chemistry, and engineering for design and development of new products and enhance existing ones.

The directions of activities of material science and engineering include implementation of materials design, computational material science, advanced analytical methods for manufacturing, characterization and processing of nano-materials, smart materials and biomimetic materials. Biomaterials incorporated into medical devices and has great impact on health care and pharmaceuticals in the twentieth century. Virtually all types of material systems have been used in health care applications, including metals and alloys, ceramics, polymers, composites, and biologically derived biomaterials.

Furthermore, the nanomaterials are designed for increased strength, chemical reactivity and conductivity. Engineered nanomaterials are intentionally produced and specifically designed to achieve certain functions. This field of study has also exploded in the last decade, with huge prospects for engineering, manufacturing, robotics, biomedicine, and energy storage. The objective of this international symposium is to provide a forum for researchers from academia and industries as an excellent opportunity to explore and share the advancements in different kinds of materials and their applications. This symposium is organised by UCRD (University Centre for Research and Development) which strategically striving forward for promotion of all research, consultancy innovation and entrepreneurial activities at the Chandigarh University, India.


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