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Advanced Preparation for a Secured & Bright Future.

The PEOs are broad statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments that the program is preparing its graduates to achieve in few years subsequent to receiving the degree. The PEO’s of the forensic science program are as follows:

PEO-1: Career Prospectus: CU forensic graduates will be well prepared for successful careers in the profession or in research & innovation at industry and/or in government in one or more disciplines of forensic science and /or sub disciplines of forensic science.

PEO-2: Competency: CU forensic graduates will be skilled in implementing current and emerging technologies and software practices for detection, analysis, and evaluation of forensic evidence.

PEO-3: Leadership: CU forensic graduates will be successful in leading the multidisciplinary teams with professional competencies to extend their experiences, abilities and dexterities in scientific investigations to give unbiased and firm scientific opinions in the courts.

PEO-4: Confidence building CU forensic graduates will serve the society not solely as forensic expert but as a contributor towards a healthy, secure and vibrant society by making people alert about various methods adopted by the criminals for committing the crimes.

PEO-5: Professional and Ethical Honesty: CU forensic graduates will be successful in higher education in forensic science or criminology, if pursued.

Program Outcomes (POs) are attributes of the graduates of the programme that are indicative of the graduates’ ability and competence to work as a forensic scientist upon graduation. Program Outcomes are statements that describe what students are expected to know or be able to do by the time of graduation. They must relate to knowledge and skills that the students acquire from the programme. The achievement of all outcomes indicates that the student is well prepared to achieve the program educational objectives down the road. The following 12 POs have been chosen by the Forensic science department of Chandigarh University. The Forensic Science Department curriculum at CU has been designed to fully meet all the 12 Program Outcomes:

PO-1: Practice for Society in general and for administration of criminal justice system in particular forensic science graduate will understand the significance of forensic science and its impact on society.

PO-2: Function Effectively to serve the society not solely as a forensic professional but as a contributor towards a healthy, secure and vibrant society by making people alert about various methods adopted by the criminals for committing the crimes.

PO-3:Communicate Effectively to direct and guide interdisciplinary team members.

PO-4: Apply the Knowledge of forensics and its different specializations to identify the modus operandi of criminals and investigate complex crimes.

PO-5: Function Effectively to communicate and express in the society with learning zeal and to deliver clear and firm eye witness in any proceeding that may be referred to in future in similar cases.

PO-6: Demonstrate Team Leadership skills through ability to set directions and teamwork skills for achieving the desired goals.

PO-7: Apply Reasoning within the conceptual knowledge to serve as an expert with integrity and high professional ethics that can deliver clear, objective, and unbiased opinions.

PO-8: Recognize and Execute Research based methods including targeted experiments, analysis, interpretation of data, and synthesis of information leading to logical conclusions for combating the crime.

PO-9: Apply Selected Knowledge to work on complex analytical instruments to present accurate and complete data in reports based on good scientific practices and validated methods.

PO-10: Stay Abreast of new findings and research along with lifelong learning in the field.

PO-11: Create and Innovate ideas that can lead to a powerful breakthrough in criminal and civil investigations.

PO-12: Enhance and Adopt new skills for future employability in teaching and research through seminars, and internships.

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs) are specific statements that describe the professional career accomplishment that the program is designed. The PSO’s of the M. Sc. Forensic science program are as follows:

PSO-1: Graduates will be able to develop critical thinking and reasoning abilities required during the handling and interpretation of diverse evidence like digital, chemistry, toxicological, biological, documents, audio/videos, dermatoglyphics, etc.

PSO-2: Graduates will be able to employ the techniques during criminal investigations that are economically viable to regional, national, and global crime related problems benefitting respective organizations and the profession.

PSO-3:Graduates will be able to detect and opine on the evidences recovered from homicidal, accidental, and suicidal cases that may involve exhibit of dermatoglyphics, digital, anthropological, photographic etc. in front of the judiciary or criminal justice system.

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