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PEOs, POs & PSO - M.Sc. (Chemistry)

The PEOs are broad statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments that the program is preparing its graduates to achieve in a few years after receiving the degree. The PEOs of M.Sc. Chemistry are as follows:

PEO-1: To prepare science graduates to exhibit quality of excellence, critical thinking, creativity, inventiveness, and self-motivation for life-long learning to handle all kind of diverse situations in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary environment.

PEO-2: To produce graduates who are globally acceptable professionals for government, corporate and research organizations along with skills for entrepreneurial pursuits in multidisciplinary areas.

PEO-3: To groom graduates who can demonstrate technical competence in the field of Chemistry and develop solutions to the complex problems.

PEO-4: To produce graduates who can ethically lead and work as a part of team towards the fulfilment of both individual and organizational goals.

PEO-5: To engage graduates in professional pursuits to enhance their own achievements along with serving the society at large.

PEO-6: To impart research and innovation skills to make the graduates competent researchers and guides.

Program Outcomes (POs) are attributes of the graduates of the program that are indicative of the graduates’ ability and competence to work as science professional upon graduation. Program Outcomes are statements that describe what students are expected to know or be able to do by the time of graduation. They must relate to knowledge and skills that the students acquire from the program. The achievement of all outcomes indicates that the student is well prepared to achieve the program educational objectives down the road.

PO 1 Knowledge and Understanding: Ability to demonstrate the acquisition of comprehensive knowledge and coherent understanding of the Chemistry, its linkages with related fields of study, and current and emerging developments in a broad multidisciplinary context.

PO 2 Skills: Ability to develop the acquisition of practical, professional and procedural knowledge for highly skilled work in chemistry/ Related fields and entrepreneurship.

PO3 Complex Problem Solving: Ability to take any real life problem in a scientific way and tackle them perfectly.

PO 4 Analytical Thinking and Creativity: Ability to develop excellent analytical skills to identify, formulate and apply knowledge of chemistry and related fields to analyze, evaluate and create solutions of problems/situations in different and diverse ways.

PO 5 Communication Skills: Ability to demonstrate the skills that enable them to listen, write, express and argue in clear and concise way using correct technical language in respectful and sensitive manner.

PO 6 Research – related Skills: Ability to acquire the understanding and skills of basic research and its components, practicing ethics in the field of research work.

PO 7 Individual and Team Work: Ability to work effectively as an individual or as a team member or a leader in multi-cultural and diverse teams to achieve the required goal.

PO 8 Learning how to learn skills: Ability to demonstrate the new knowledge and skills including ‘learning how to learn skills/ Reskills adapting to changes in work processes, organizational skills and time management in the context of fourth industrial revolution with lifelong learning attitude.

PO 9 Digital and Technological Skills: Capability to use ICT and appropriate software for accessing and evaluating the relevant information sources in learning and work situations.

PO 10 Value Inculcation: Ability to develop better moral values and ethics to understand global issues as well as useful for society.

PO 11 Environmental awareness and Action: Ability to aware with pros & cons of industrialization on environment along with waste management and sustainable development.

PO 12 Community engagement and service: Ability to participate in community-engaged services/ activities for promoting the well- being of society.

Program Specific Objectives (PSOs) are specific statements that describe the professional career accomplishments that the programs designed. The PSOs of the M. Sc. program in Chemistry are designed in such a way that at the end CU has been designed to fully meet all the 12 Program Outcomes. The PSOs of the M. Sc. Program in Chemistry are program are as follows:

PSO-1: To understand the advanced concept of organic chemistry and apply it in various R&D sections of organic synthesis as well as pharma industries.

PSO-2: To nourish graduates with advance knowledge of interdisciplinary branches of inorganic chemistry with emphasis on qualitative and quantitative studies.

PSO-3: To provide knowledge on various advanced theories related with Physical and Analytical Chemistry which involve interpretation of data.

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