Chandigarh University offers a perfect blend of Intra/Inter/Extra Curricula Activities to enhance the interaction and bonding among the students. Also, these activities lead the students to improve their leadership and interpersonal skills along with enhancement in the learning and development process.
On 29th September 2023 students from MBA-THM were taken to Sanghol Buddhist Archaeological Museum under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, where students cleaned the museum premises. Additionally, students enjoyed observing the captivating art, artifacts, and crafts associated with Punjab’s traditions and culture.
Read MoreOn 29th September 2023 students from MBA-THM were taken to Sanghol Buddhist Archaeological Museum under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, where students cleaned the museum premises. Additionally, students enjoyed observing the captivating art, artifacts, and crafts associated with Punjab’s traditions and culture.
Expert talk on the topic ‘HR Professionals’ held on 18 August 2023, by the Chief Guest Mrs. Meera Kalouni from Zenith Holidays, motivated students to pursue their dreams with determination as she shared her personal story of perseverance and success.
Read MoreExpert talk on the topic ‘HR Professionals’ held on 18 August 2023, by the Chief Guest Mrs. Meera Kalouni from Zenith Holidays, motivated students to pursue their dreams with determination as she shared her personal story of perseverance and success.
An expert talk event was held on 21st August 2023 by Mr. Nitish Gupta, Commercial Manager at GMR group, in which he shared information on the airports manufactured in India and in foreign countries by the group. Additionally, he also talked about potential opportunities for the students in the GMR group as he shed light on the upcoming projects.
Read MoreAn expert talk event was held on 21st August 2023 by Mr. Nitish Gupta, Commercial Manager at GMR group, in which he shared information on the airports manufactured in India and in foreign countries by the group. Additionally, he also talked about potential opportunities for the students in the GMR group as he shed light on the upcoming projects.
University School of Business (USB) organized a case study competition called ‘Ace the Case’ for MBA students in which they were provided with real-world business scenarios allowing them to demonstrate their business acumen and problem-solving skills.
Read MoreUniversity School of Business (USB) organized a case study competition called ‘Ace the Case’ for MBA students in which they were provided with real-world business scenarios allowing them to demonstrate their business acumen and problem-solving skills.
University School of Business(USB) organized a financial awareness program ‘Introduction to Securities Markets’ in collaboration with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), where renowned financial markets expert Mr. Gyanendra Neeraj -DGM, SEBI gave a comprehensive overview of the Indian securities market, encompassing both equity and debt markets. Further, he also discussed recent trends, market capitalization, and the role of various market participants. The program unfolded as a transformative initiative aimed at equipping participants with essential knowledge about the dynamics of securities markets.
Read MoreUniversity School of Business(USB) organized a financial awareness program ‘Introduction to Securities Markets’ in collaboration with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), where renowned financial markets expert Mr. Gyanendra Neeraj -DGM, SEBI gave a comprehensive overview of the Indian securities market, encompassing both equity and debt markets. Further, he also discussed recent trends, market capitalization, and the role of various market participants. The program unfolded as a transformative initiative aimed at equipping participants with essential knowledge about the dynamics of securities markets.
The University School of Business (USB) in collaboration with the IEEE CUSB powered by the innovative platform StockGro, organized a workshop on "Trading Titans: Unleashing Market Mastering Strategies" by Mr. Gaurav Dahiya, Director at Share Market Shiksha Institute under the Stock Fusion.
Read MoreThe University School of Business (USB) in collaboration with the IEEE CUSB powered by the innovative platform StockGro, organized a workshop on "Trading Titans: Unleashing Market Mastering Strategies" by Mr. Gaurav Dahiya, Director at Share Market Shiksha Institute under the Stock Fusion.
In today's fast-paced world, staying ahead means mastering agility, innovation, and sustainability. Mr.Manoj Kalra Senior Vice President at DSM shared his invaluable knowledge & key insights on navigating global business services in the 21st century.
Read MoreIn today's fast-paced world, staying ahead means mastering agility, innovation, and sustainability. Mr.Manoj Kalra Senior Vice President at DSM shared his invaluable knowledge & key insights on navigating global business services in the 21st century.
University School of Business(USB), organized a Symposium on ‘Rise of New Bharat: Leading the World Economic Transformation’. The event hosted prominent personalities from Academia and Industry, who shared their thought-provoking perspectives on the phenomenal economic resurgence of India.
Read MoreUniversity School of Business(USB), organized a Symposium on ‘Rise of New Bharat: Leading the World Economic Transformation’. The event hosted prominent personalities from Academia and Industry, who shared their thought-provoking perspectives on the phenomenal economic resurgence of India.
Ms. Kamakshi Varshney & Mr. Shaswat Banerjee, students of the University School of Business, Chandigarh University successfully qualified for the national finale of ‘India in 2047-National Case Study Competition 2023’ organized by IBS. Additionally, their team was selected among the top 8 teams out of a total of 107 national teams, during the grand finals which were held in IBS Hyderabad.
Read MoreMs. Kamakshi Varshney & Mr. Shaswat Banerjee, students of the University School of Business, Chandigarh University successfully qualified for the national finale of ‘India in 2047-National Case Study Competition 2023’ organized by IBS. Additionally, their team was selected among the top 8 teams out of a total of 107 national teams, during the grand finals which were held in IBS Hyderabad.
The Department of University School of Business under the MINDSPARC Club organized an informative expert session on “Introduction to Research Paper Writing and Ethical Concerns” on 30thJanuary 2024. The session was taken by an esteemed expert Dr. Pushpak Sharma, Assistant Professor, USB, Chandigarh University. He shed light on the process of research paper writing including selection of topic, research problem identification, and finalization of research objectives. He also emphasized on ethical concerns and plagiarism during his session.
Read MoreThe Department of University School of Business under the MINDSPARC Club organized an informative expert session on “Introduction to Research Paper Writing and Ethical Concerns” on 30thJanuary 2024. The session was taken by an esteemed expert Dr. Pushpak Sharma, Assistant Professor, USB, Chandigarh University. He shed light on the process of research paper writing including selection of topic, research problem identification, and finalization of research objectives. He also emphasized on ethical concerns and plagiarism during his session.
The University Institute of Business(USB) organized a stimulating peer review session ‘Innovative Teaching Learning Practices & Initiatives: Elevating Teaching Excellence’. Reputable presenters shared their insights on cutting-edge instructional strategies, case-based approaches, management games, role plays, GDs, flipped classrooms, project-based learning, gamification, and integration of technology in education.
Read MoreThe University Institute of Business(USB) organized a stimulating peer review session ‘Innovative Teaching Learning Practices & Initiatives: Elevating Teaching Excellence’. Reputable presenters shared their insights on cutting-edge instructional strategies, case-based approaches, management games, role plays, GDs, flipped classrooms, project-based learning, gamification, and integration of technology in education.
University School of Business(USB) at CHANDIGARH UNIVERSITY lead by Prof. Dr. Nilesh Arora, Director-USB, successfully concluded the 'Aspire to Inspire' Corporate Talk Series, a transformative journey that brought together thought leaders, industry experts, and successful professionals who have not only achieved remarkable success in their fields but have also contributed significantly to the growth and development of their teams and organizations.
Read MoreUniversity School of Business(USB) at CHANDIGARH UNIVERSITY lead by Prof. Dr. Nilesh Arora, Director-USB, successfully concluded the 'Aspire to Inspire' Corporate Talk Series, a transformative journey that brought together thought leaders, industry experts, and successful professionals who have not only achieved remarkable success in their fields but have also contributed significantly to the growth and development of their teams and organizations.
University Institute of Business hosted an expert talk on how to achieve corporate excellence, with an esteemed speaker Mr. Vivek Atray, Ex IAS, LinkedIn Top Voice, & Best-Selling Author, who while sharing valuable information asserted that ambition propels us forward, pushing us to accomplish, however, according to him ambition alone can be a fickle fire, burning bright but fading just as fast, therefore the difference lies in mastering the inner strength for exhibiting excellence in all spheres of life, even in the corporate profession.
Read MoreUniversity Institute of Business hosted an expert talk on how to achieve corporate excellence, with an esteemed speaker Mr. Vivek Atray, Ex IAS, LinkedIn Top Voice, & Best-Selling Author, who while sharing valuable information asserted that ambition propels us forward, pushing us to accomplish, however, according to him ambition alone can be a fickle fire, burning bright but fading just as fast, therefore the difference lies in mastering the inner strength for exhibiting excellence in all spheres of life, even in the corporate profession.
University School of Business hosted an enriching talk on Competitive Strategies for Thriving in the Healthcare Market by Mr. Lalit Sharma, General Manager, IVY Healthcare. Mr. Sharma shared his golden nuggets and actionable strategies for navigating the ever-changing healthcare landscape. In the end, the expert tackled the burning inquiries of students with aplomb.
Read MoreUniversity School of Business hosted an enriching talk on Competitive Strategies for Thriving in the Healthcare Market by Mr. Lalit Sharma, General Manager, IVY Healthcare. Mr. Sharma shared his golden nuggets and actionable strategies for navigating the ever-changing healthcare landscape. In the end, the expert tackled the burning inquiries of students with aplomb.
Students of the University Institute of Business (USB), Chandigarh University had the privilege of interacting with Sh. Rajendra K. Saboo, Chairman Emeritus of the Saboo Business Group. This insightful session offered an invaluable opportunity for our students to learn from his experiences in business as he shed light on leadership philosophies and shared perspectives on industry trends. Sh. Rajendra K. Saboo also shared valuable insights and words of wisdom accumulated over his illustrious career. His anecdotes and practical advice resonated with the audience, providing a unique blend of theoretical and real-world knowledge.
Read MoreStudents of the University Institute of Business (USB), Chandigarh University had the privilege of interacting with Sh. Rajendra K. Saboo, Chairman Emeritus of the Saboo Business Group. This insightful session offered an invaluable opportunity for our students to learn from his experiences in business as he shed light on leadership philosophies and shared perspectives on industry trends. Sh. Rajendra K. Saboo also shared valuable insights and words of wisdom accumulated over his illustrious career. His anecdotes and practical advice resonated with the audience, providing a unique blend of theoretical and real-world knowledge.
Celebrations Step into the kaleidoscope of cultures at the University Institute of Business (USB)Chandigarh University, where students from various countries came together to create a vibrant tapestry of inclusivity! This milestone event marked a significant moment of joy, reverence, and national pride for the students from Bhutan. The celebration honored the exemplary leadership, compassion, and dedication of His Majesty towards the welfare and prosperity of the Bhutanese people.
Read MoreCelebrations Step into the kaleidoscope of cultures at the University Institute of Business (USB)Chandigarh University, where students from various countries came together to create a vibrant tapestry of inclusivity! This milestone event marked a significant moment of joy, reverence, and national pride for the students from Bhutan. The celebration honored the exemplary leadership, compassion, and dedication of His Majesty towards the welfare and prosperity of the Bhutanese people.
Mesmerizing modeling performances on the ramp are a blend of skill, confidence, and artistic expression. These performances captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression. Euphoria-2023 modeling created a visual spectacle that lingered in the minds of the audience, leaving them with a sense of awe and admiration for the artistry of these performances.
Read MoreMesmerizing modeling performances on the ramp are a blend of skill, confidence, and artistic expression. These performances captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression. Euphoria-2023 modeling created a visual spectacle that lingered in the minds of the audience, leaving them with a sense of awe and admiration for the artistry of these performances.
It was an invaluable opportunity for USB's budding managers and future business leaders to visit the Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing, Mohali plant and better understand the impeccable processes, operational prowess, trustworthy quality & assurance policies, and state-of-the-art engineering-research-innovation capabilities.
Read MoreIt was an invaluable opportunity for USB's budding managers and future business leaders to visit the Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing, Mohali plant and better understand the impeccable processes, operational prowess, trustworthy quality & assurance policies, and state-of-the-art engineering-research-innovation capabilities.
Our MBA students gained invaluable insights during their visit to CHEEMA BOILERS LIMITED, a global leader in boiler manufacturing and renewable energy solutions. The visit aimed to provide them with practical insights into the manufacturing processes, Technologies, and operations involved in boiler production.
Read MoreOur MBA students gained invaluable insights during their visit to CHEEMA BOILERS LIMITED, a global leader in boiler manufacturing and renewable energy solutions. The visit aimed to provide them with practical insights into the manufacturing processes, Technologies, and operations involved in boiler production.
A fun with learning event called "The Diginalytic Fusion" was hosted to inform students of the latest trends in the field of technological advancements and how the big name "SAS" is contributing towards it. The students were well-informed about the opportunities available to them and the products, tools, and services the company is providing. Apart from that, the event included fun tech- related quizzes and entertaining performances like open mic, Technical Modelling for 2nd year BBA Business Analytics students.
Read MoreA fun with learning event called "The Diginalytic Fusion" was hosted to inform students of the latest trends in the field of technological advancements and how the big name "SAS" is contributing towards it. The students were well-informed about the opportunities available to them and the products, tools, and services the company is providing. Apart from that, the event included fun tech- related quizzes and entertaining performances like open mic, Technical Modelling for 2nd year BBA Business Analytics students.
A presentation competition under the head name “PITCH PERFECT- THE DIGITAL MARKETING SHOWDOWN 2023” was held exclusively for Digital Marketing stream students (2021 BBA-DM, 2022 BBA-DM &; 2022 MBA-DM). The event was wholly sponsored by Whizamet services &; Sab hi Digital private limited company in the form of trophies and goodies of the winners and token of gratitude to entire organising team and management Staff. The event provided valuable feedback to participants, enabling them to improve their marketing plans and pitch deck presentations in the future. The guest of honour were impressed by quality of the students and proposed to offer live projects to them in digital marketing as well as the logistics field. In short, the event was a true example of “OUTCOME BASED EVENT”.
Read MoreA presentation competition under the head name “PITCH PERFECT- THE DIGITAL MARKETING SHOWDOWN 2023” was held exclusively for Digital Marketing stream students (2021 BBA-DM, 2022 BBA-DM &; 2022 MBA-DM). The event was wholly sponsored by Whizamet services &; Sab hi Digital private limited company in the form of trophies and goodies of the winners and token of gratitude to entire organising team and management Staff. The event provided valuable feedback to participants, enabling them to improve their marketing plans and pitch deck presentations in the future. The guest of honour were impressed by quality of the students and proposed to offer live projects to them in digital marketing as well as the logistics field. In short, the event was a true example of “OUTCOME BASED EVENT”.
“The books we read answer the questions we didn’t even know
existed.” Axel Marazzi
University School of Business, along with the IEEE Student
Branch organized the “Meet the authors - Varun and Nistha"
event with the authors of the book "FUTUREPRENEURS".
Renowned and Celebrated authors Ms. Nishtha Tripathi
(Computer Scientist from UIUC, and founder of India's
leading study abroad consulting company - Scholar Strategy);
and Mr Varun Agarwal, (AI Researcher, Entrepreneur, Author),
shared their wisdom regarding Startups especially Technology
Startups with the budding entrepreneurs of USB. They
reflected on how students and young professionals can start
their own ventures and build a career in AI and Deeptech.
“The books we read answer the questions we didn’t
even know existed.” Axel Marazzi
University School of Business, along with the IEEE
Student Branch organized the “Meet the authors -
Varun and Nistha" event with the authors of the book
Renowned and Celebrated authors Ms. Nishtha Tripathi
(Computer Scientist from UIUC, and founder of
India's leading study abroad consulting company -
Scholar Strategy); and Mr Varun Agarwal, (AI
Researcher, Entrepreneur, Author), shared their
wisdom regarding Startups especially Technology
Startups with the budding entrepreneurs of USB. They
reflected on how students and young professionals
can start their own ventures and build a career in
AI and Deeptech.
University School of Business, Chandigarh University has successfully conducted a five-day faculty development program on 'Advanced Data Analysis' from 16 to 20 January 2023. The main objective of this FDP was to bring together researchers and doctoral students from different corners of the country who want to employ advanced research techniques in their research.
Read MoreUniversity School of Business, Chandigarh University has successfully conducted a five-day faculty development program on 'Advanced Data Analysis' from 16 to 20 January 2023. The main objective of this FDP was to bring together researchers and doctoral students from different corners of the country who want to employ advanced research techniques in their research.
With a vision to brief its students about the aims and
objectives of the Union Budget for FY 2023-24, the
University School of Business of Chandigarh University
presented a panel discussion on "Budget 2023: Meeting
Aspirations, in association with The Economic Times.
Mr. Ravneet Singh Khurana (Special Secretary, Government of
Punjab), Mr. Iqbal Singh (Founder & Managing Director at
Innovative Financial Management (IFM), Founding partner in
LIFEDEKHO Living Solutions), CMA Anil Sharma (GST &
Management Consultant, Anil Sharma & Co. (Cost Accountants),
Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Vohra(Senior Controller of Finance &
Accounts, CSIR - IMTECH) joined this panel discussion as
Elite Panelists.
With a vision to brief its students about the aims
and objectives of the Union Budget for FY 2023-24,
the University School of Business of Chandigarh
University presented a panel discussion on "Budget
2023: Meeting Aspirations, in association with The
Economic Times.
Mr. Ravneet Singh Khurana (Special Secretary,
Government of Punjab), Mr. Iqbal Singh (Founder &
Managing Director at Innovative Financial Management
(IFM), Founding partner in LIFEDEKHO Living
Solutions), CMA Anil Sharma (GST & Management
Consultant, Anil Sharma & Co. (Cost Accountants),
Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Vohra(Senior Controller of Finance
& Accounts, CSIR - IMTECH) joined this panel
discussion as Elite Panelists.
University School of Business-students' society organized the
youth fest Xuberance 2.0 to help students feel rejuvenated
and motivate. This event was organized Keeping the
all-around development of the students in view. CU provides
its students with different platforms to come together and
showcase their talents.
An exuberant event, Xuberance 2.0 - was full of dazzling
dances, melodious music, hilarious comedy, and
scintillations. The spectacular fest epitomized the
creativity and vigor of the quintessential spirit of
Chandigarh University. It witnessed a plethora of events
which showcased multifarious talent of USB students.
University School of Business-students' society
organized the youth fest Xuberance 2.0 to help
students feel rejuvenated and motivate. This event
was organized Keeping the all-around development of
the students in view. CU provides its students with
different platforms to come together and showcase
their talents.
An exuberant event, Xuberance 2.0 - was full of
dazzling dances, melodious music, hilarious comedy,
and scintillations. The spectacular fest epitomized
the creativity and vigor of the quintessential
spirit of Chandigarh University. It witnessed a
plethora of events which showcased multifarious
talent of USB students.
Mr. TapanSinghel, Managing Director and CEO of one of India's leading insurance firms Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company was conferred with the title of Honorary “Professor of Practice” by CHANDIGARH UNIVERSITY. He also visited the erstwhile Kalpna Chawla Centre for Research in Space Science & Technology at Chandigarh University. Remembering late India-born astronaut Kalpana Chawla, as a great icon of women empowerment; he asserted the need for seamless opportunities for Indian girls so that they can touch the pinnacle of success in every sphere of life. It was a great opportunity for the University School of Business's budding managers to attend the leadership talk by Mr. Tapan Singhel himself.
Read MoreMr. TapanSinghel, Managing Director and CEO of one of India's leading insurance firms Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company was conferred with the title of Honorary “Professor of Practice” by CHANDIGARH UNIVERSITY. He also visited the erstwhile Kalpna Chawla Centre for Research in Space Science & Technology at Chandigarh University. Remembering late India-born astronaut Kalpana Chawla, as a great icon of women empowerment; he asserted the need for seamless opportunities for Indian girls so that they can touch the pinnacle of success in every sphere of life. It was a great opportunity for the University School of Business's budding managers to attend the leadership talk by Mr. Tapan Singhel himself.
University School of Business launched "WhiZ Quest”- A Student Research Club reiterating its commitment towards the holistic development of students. The club orientation was followed up by a workshop on academic research writing by Director, USB, Prof.(Dr.) Nilesh Arora.
Read MoreUniversity School of Business launched "WhiZ Quest”- A Student Research Club reiterating its commitment towards the holistic development of students. The club orientation was followed up by a workshop on academic research writing by Director, USB, Prof.(Dr.) Nilesh Arora.
USB organized an event named ‘Synergy-2022 Crafting Success
Together’ to welcome the new faculty members while creating
& strengthening the bonding between them. The mesmerizing
event began with the inaugural address by Prof. (Dr) Nilesh
Arora, Director, USB followed by a motivating and inspiring
address by Hon’ble Sardar Satnam Singh Sandhu, Chancellor,
Chandigarh University.
The event saw enthusiastic participation from the faculty
members and their energy was visible in the various
activities they participated in.
USB organized an event named ‘Synergy-2022 Crafting
Success Together’ to welcome the new faculty members
while creating & strengthening the bonding between
them. The mesmerizing event began with the inaugural
address by Prof. (Dr) Nilesh Arora, Director, USB
followed by a motivating and inspiring address by
Hon’ble Sardar Satnam Singh Sandhu, Chancellor,
Chandigarh University.
The event saw enthusiastic participation from the
faculty members and their energy was visible in the
various activities they participated in.
Mr. Ritesh Andre, Spokesperson & TEDx speaker along with Mr. Jayram Shankar Trustee, from Nutan Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Charity Trust popularly known as Mumbai Dabbawala conducted a mega seminar with USB students discussing the massive logistics success of Mumbai Dabbawalas who deliver home-cooked tiffins to 2 lac+ people daily.
Read MoreMr. Ritesh Andre, Spokesperson & TEDx speaker along with Mr. Jayram Shankar Trustee, from Nutan Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Charity Trust popularly known as Mumbai Dabbawala conducted a mega seminar with USB students discussing the massive logistics success of Mumbai Dabbawalas who deliver home-cooked tiffins to 2 lac+ people daily.
USB organized first of its kind student centered learning initiative-National Student Seminar on ‘Decoding Basel’. Student delegates from prestigious colleges and universities presented their paper in the seminar. The vision behind this seminar was to provide a unique platform to students across India where they can showcase their Research and Analytical Skills in the field of Banking and Finance. The major themes on which students presented their paper were- Risk Management, Contemporary issues and challenges in Banking Industry and Role of new age Bankers.
Read MoreUSB organized first of its kind student centered learning initiative-National Student Seminar on ‘Decoding Basel’. Student delegates from prestigious colleges and universities presented their paper in the seminar. The vision behind this seminar was to provide a unique platform to students across India where they can showcase their Research and Analytical Skills in the field of Banking and Finance. The major themes on which students presented their paper were- Risk Management, Contemporary issues and challenges in Banking Industry and Role of new age Bankers.
University School of Business (USB), Chandigarh University, Mohali organized a two-day International Conference on Sustainable Development and Social Innovation in Business (ICSSB 2019) in Feb 25-26, 2019 in collaboration with Arkansas State University and Emerald Publishing India. ICSSB brought the academicians, practitioners, researchers, and industrialists from all across the globe at one platform to discuss issues, challenges & opportunities and share ideas, perspectives, researches and experiences on the current issues and future prospects in the realms of sustainable development, and social innovation in the dynamic business environment. A total of 233 papers were registered where 431 authors contributed their research papers in diverse areas of Finance, Marketing, Human Resource, Business Ethos, Corporate Governance and CSR.
Read MoreUniversity School of Business (USB), Chandigarh University, Mohali organized a two-day International Conference on Sustainable Development and Social Innovation in Business (ICSSB 2019) in Feb 25-26, 2019 in collaboration with Arkansas State University and Emerald Publishing India. ICSSB brought the academicians, practitioners, researchers, and industrialists from all across the globe at one platform to discuss issues, challenges & opportunities and share ideas, perspectives, researches and experiences on the current issues and future prospects in the realms of sustainable development, and social innovation in the dynamic business environment. A total of 233 papers were registered where 431 authors contributed their research papers in diverse areas of Finance, Marketing, Human Resource, Business Ethos, Corporate Governance and CSR.
The students collected funds, Clothes, high demand goods, Bags, Stationary, Toys Shoes and many more. October, 1, 2018 USB (BBA) conducted an ISR activity on 30 October 2018 for the amelioration of the offspring of laborers working in the university campus.
Read MoreThe students collected funds, Clothes, high demand goods, Bags, Stationary, Toys Shoes and many more. October, 1, 2018 USB (BBA) conducted an ISR activity on 30 October 2018 for the amelioration of the offspring of laborers working in the university campus.
The “DEMYSTIFYING ANALYTICS “National Symposium is a one-day event exploring the diverse landscape of analytics in business. Apex Institute of Technology, Chandigarh University organized a national symposium on emerging role of analytics. “Demystifying Analytics”, an educational initiative taken by the University with topics ranging from role of analytics in social media, application of business analytics in retail, financial analytics, role of analytics in sales and marketing, application of business analytics in production and operational analytics and human resource management, risk analytics with an idea to provide a platform to the young minds to review insights and innovative business applications of analytics.
Read MoreThe “DEMYSTIFYING ANALYTICS “National Symposium is a one-day event exploring the diverse landscape of analytics in business. Apex Institute of Technology, Chandigarh University organized a national symposium on emerging role of analytics. “Demystifying Analytics”, an educational initiative taken by the University with topics ranging from role of analytics in social media, application of business analytics in retail, financial analytics, role of analytics in sales and marketing, application of business analytics in production and operational analytics and human resource management, risk analytics with an idea to provide a platform to the young minds to review insights and innovative business applications of analytics.
Stay Fearless And Get Ready To Conquer Your Coursework. According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, the total employment is projected to grow by 165.4 million over the 2020–30 decade, which means an increase of 11.9 million jobs.