Specialized Programs
In today’s rapidly changing world, technology is changing quicker than our lives. Modern technologies are governing the world and hence determining the employability of young engineers. Chandigarh University offers an exclusive opportunity to aspirants through advanced specialized programs in collaboration with big tech-giants like IBM, TCS, SBI, and many more. The specially-designed program of IBM has introduced sufficient industry needed skills for manpower in critical emerging technology areas such as Cloud, Mobility, Analytics and Cybersecurity.
The holistic program with comprehensive offerings for Engineering and Business Schools brings together the latest software content, real-world industry experiences, hands-on lab courses, proven practices and case studies for the participants.Beginning of the academic year 2014, Chandigarh University (CU), and IBM have collaborated to launch Engineering and Business programs with specialization using IBM Software. IBM Software Labs have been set up in the campus with avant-garde technologies to help students and faculty members enhance their skills in areas of Big Data & Analytics, Cloud Computing, Business Analytics and Information Security.