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2nd International Conference on "Innovation and Regenerative Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Industry" Register Now
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Patents since inception have been filed by Chandigarh University

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have been kept as a reserve by Chandigarh University for Research & Innovation Projects

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Students from Chandigarh University have been hired by Mindtree - Highest in India

Laboratories, the Smart Choice of Radiant Students for Practical Learning in Hospitality

To facilitate the excellent education process and to enhance the learning abilities of the students, University Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Management (UITHM) provides state-of-the-art infrastructure and practical based teaching-learning approach. Various labs housed in the department are:

Hospitality Labs at Chandigarh University, India
Hospitality Labs at Chandigarh University, India

Front Office Lab

Front office lab with well-lighted up lobby reception areas is the first line of contact with the guest. In this lab, the students are trained for receiving information, billing, and guest registration & guest relations. In addition, emphasis is on communication skills, social skills, oratory skills, & handling different types of situation.

Hospitality Labs at Chandigarh University, Punjab

House Keeping Lab

The House Keeping lab is equipped with the most modern equipment & guest supplies, chemicals, adhesives, Linen etc. required for accommodation for up keeping & other related jobs.

Hospitality Labs at Chandigarh University, Punjab

Linen and Laundry Lab

A laboratory equipped with latest machinery, where the institutional linen & staff uniforms are laundered. The students get hand on experience of laundry process and linen exchange process.

Hospitality Labs at Chandigarh University

Model Guest Room

The institute accommodation has a model guest room which students have hand on experience on operation & management of guest room.

Hospitality Labs at Chandigarh University


The students get practical experience related to the software use in hotel and airline industry. It has been equipped with the latest software(s) wherein the students manage to know the working of reservations, front desk, guest services and other modules.

Hospitality Labs at Chandigarh University

Basic Training Restaurant

“Mint” is the Basic Training Restaurant (BTR) of capacity of 60- covers. This restaurant lays the foundation for the new comers & teaches them the basic of Food & beverages services. Demonstrations on table-service, napkins folds, American Service, Silver service are the practiced

Hospitality Labs at Chandigarh University

Advance Training Restaurant

“Pepper” is the Advance Training Restaurants (ATR) of capacity of 60 Covers for hosting esteem guest of university. The restaurant imparts real life experience to hospitality students to serve and interact high profile dignitaries across the globe

Hospitality Labs at Chandigarh University

Basic Training Kitchen

In the BTK, the first-year students learn the basic culinary art and gear up for further challenges, which they have to face in this field. The fresher’s are given an in depth theoretical and practical knowledge. Continental cuisines are practiced by the students and thus they get to learn international cooking traits and art.

Hospitality Labs at Chandigarh University

Advance Training Kitchen

The ATK is where the budding professionals are fine polished to prove their mettle in the industry. Here students are given training in planning and preparation of Indian, Oriental and Western cuisines.

Hospitality Labs at Chandigarh University


Basics of bakery & confectionery are taught along with blending methods of dough, pastries and icing. Students learn to make different types of bread, cakes, pastries, cookies, desserts and fancy icing for cakes.

Hospitality Labs at Chandigarh University

Quantity Food Kitchen

QFK is used for students in order to prepare them to face the challenge of cooking for large groups and catering the wide variety of people representing different culinary zones of India.

Hospitality Labs at Chandigarh University

Soft Skill & Communication Lab

In these labs, the students are provided training in communication and soft skills by using various methodologies like discussions, role-plays, games and audio-visual activities. The specially designed curriculum comprises concepts like: Public Speaking and Dealing, Self- Management, Interpersonal-Skills, Time-Management, Stress-Management, Professional Ethics & Values, Goal-Management, Critical-Thinking & Problem-Solving Corporate-Etiquettes. These modules aim to help the students to evaluate themselves in terms of these skills.

Hospitality Professional Essentials Lab

The HPS Lab imparts knowledge on current and future trends of Tourism, Hospitality and Aviation Industry. The activities are based on IT and emphasis on presentation skills of students...

Hospitality Labs at Chandigarh University

Grooming Lab

The Grooming Lab helps the students to groom themselves to meet industry expectation and to become profession ready.

Hospitality Labs at Chandigarh University

Computer Lab

The sophisticated Computer Labs with 200+ up-to-date configured with latest software computers have individual access to each student to get hand on experience in the lab. The computers are connected with Local Area Network (LAN) and internet connections for study purpose and online examinations.

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