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B.Sc. Culinary Sciences (Specialization in Indian Cuisine, International Cuisine and Bakery & Confectionery)

The Hospitality faculty members have formulated the Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs). The PEOs are broad statements that describe the career and professional accomplishments that the program is preparing its graduates to achieve in three years subsequent to receiving the degree. The PEOs of the BSc. Culinary sciences are as follows:

PEO 1: To cultivate a professional management attitude by nurturing the creative development of innovative ideas & solutions and keep motivating for life-long learning.

PEO 2: To demonstrate the highest standard of ethical behavior in culinary operations.

PEO 3: To be able to develop various culinary processes & techniques by using modern tools for hospitality industry.

PEO 4: To achieve responsible position in reputed organization or develop an entrepreneurial venture.

Programme Outcomes (POs) are attributes of the graduates of the programme that are indicative of the graduates’ ability and competence to work as a Culinary professional upon graduation. Program Outcomes are statements that describe what students are expected to know or be able to do by the time of graduation. They must relate to knowledge and skills that the students acquire from the programme. The achievement of all outcomes indicates that the student is well prepared to achieve the program educational objectives down the road. The following 12 POs have been chosen by the UITHM Department of Chandigarh University. The Culinary sciences curriculum at CU has been designed to fully meet all the 12 Programme Outcomes:

PO 1 - Disciplinary Knowledge: Understand the techniques and skills necessary for the preparation and service of quality foods in a professional setting.

PO 2 - Complex problem-solving: Demonstrate the capability to solve different kinds of problems in culinary sector and apply the learning to real-life situation

PO 3 - Critical thinking: Apply critical analysis and problem solving within the business environment of diverse domain of culinary sector

PO 4 - Creativity: Development of creativity & innovation in culinary arts and implementation of trends like gastronomy, culinary localization, globalization and lateral thinking to create versatile cuisines across the globe.

PO 5 - Communication Skills: Be skilled in written, oral, and visual communication and will be able to effectively choose communication methods that are appropriate to the topic, objective, setting and communicate effectively with teams, leaders as well as society at large

PO 6 - Analytical reasoning/thinking: Demonstrate the capability to analyze and synthesize data from a variety of sources; draw valid conclusions and support them with evidence and examples.

PO 7 - Research-related skills: Undertake qualitative and quantitative research as major independent work for the purpose of market study, trends, growth analysis and projections.

PO 8 - Coordinating/collaborating with others: Demonstrate the ability to cooperate and coordinate effectively with diverse team within the culinary sector

PO 9 - Leadership readiness/qualities: Develop leadership skills & abilities to motivate others, lead changes, and inspire the team to achieve the organizational vision

PO 10 - Learning how to learn skills: Enhance skills for future employability and imbibe the habit of self-learning through different resources available which will pave the way for lifelong learning

PO 11 - Digital and technological skills: Demonstrate the capability to use ICT (Information & Communication technologies) and IOT (Internet of Things) to execute varied operations in culinary sector

PO 12 - Multicultural competence and inclusive spirit: Develop an awareness and understanding of the multiple cultures and global perspective to honor diversity, gender-neutral approach that impact business operations in a global society.

PO 13 - Value inculcation: Embrace & practice constitutional, humanistic, ethical, and moral values in life enabling learners to become aware of global issues and responding to contemporary global challenges

PO 14 - Autonomy, responsibility and accountability: Apply skills with an appropriate degree of independence & contextual knowledge to assess community health, safety. Exhibit necessary expertise to plan, coordinate & control projects in the culinary sector

PO 15 - Environmental awareness and action: Understand the impact of the hospitality operations in societal & environmental contexts for sustainable development of community and environment. Mitigating the effects of environmental degradation, climate change, and pollution

PO 16 - Community engagement and service: Demonstrate the capability to participate in community-engaged services/ activities for promoting the wellbeing of society.

PO 17 - Empathy: Ability to understand the Ability to understand perspective, experiences and emotions of another individual or group resulting in human centered approach in culinary sector

Programme Specific Objectives (PSOs) are specific statements that describe the professional career accomplishments that the program is designed. The PSOs of the BSc. Culinary Sciences are as follows

PSO 1: To develop techniques & skills necessary for culinary industry: Indian cuisine, International cuisine and bakery & confectionery.

PSO 2: To utilize large & small equipments in kitchens & bakeshops correctly and safely.

PSO 3: To inculcate safe food handling, storage techniques, food costing and presentation principles while maintaining good personal hygiene.

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